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Tanya M

Goodyear, AZ


receptionist, teacher aide, nurse helper, babysitting, filing paper

Schools/ Houses

As a receptionist, I would answer calls, greet parents that came in, helped with the front office at school. As a teacher aide, I would pass out papers, help the teacher grade, help the students with their sounds. As a nurse helper/ assistant I would help her get the supplies she needed for the injured student. I would babysit from little babies to 10-11 year olds. At my middle school, I would file the paper in the office along with being a receptionist.


Desert Edge High School

Graduated in 2018


I have had experience in restaurants as a greeter, also in office work, filing paperwork, receptionist, teacher aide, helped the nurse, babysitting, and working with animals.


My hobbies are cheering, being fit, and helping other. I'm interested in helping others, and making people smile. Oh, and being loud!

227 times

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